Simplify with Lisa, LLC, was created to connect with and help people.


Help clients to simplify their life through creating home organization systems, performing home construction project management, and assisting with estate clearing after the death of family members.

Lisa Griswold


I have spent my life working in hospitals, as a nurse and quality professional. I have over 30 years’ experience utilizing techniques to simplify workflows and organize supplies.

But I am also a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and friend to many busy people who struggle with home organization, as I did, when working full-time.

Since being away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital, I found myself gravitating towards helping my family to get organized. To take back space and not allow possessions to get in the way of happiness and peace.

I would love to assist you in decreasing stress through simplifying your space, time, and life!

What is a Professional Organizer?

A Professional Organizer is a person who provides consulting services and hands-on assistance to clients to improve their current systems of organization.  Each Organizer has different specialties, so ask questions to find the Organizing Professional to best serve your needs.

Does the Professional Organizer (PO) do all of the work?

Each client and situation are different, so it is the client’s decision how much of the physical act of organizing the PO will do and how much the client wants to do based on the suggestions and guidance of the PO.